K Rend Silicone FT Data Sheet
K Rend Silicone FT incorporates silicone technology and provides a fine texture finish. Ideal for Hand application.
Application Instructions:
- One coat is applied directly onto block work and must be finished to a minimum of 16mm thick to avoid 'ghosting'
- The material should be applied 18mm thick in 2 passes; the first pass 6-8mm and the second pass 12-14mm. (See also under Spray Application). After setting, 2mm is scraped off for a 16mm finish
- If the material is being used in a two coat application the finish coat is applied over a K Rend Base Coat to line level, using a Darby or straight edge, to a minimum thickness of 10-12mm. When straightening, hollows should be filled out immediately before a skin is formed
- Care should be taken to avoid small hollows, which can make it difficult to achieve a good finish. Small areas such as quoins, reveals and bands can be left with a plastic float
- Do not polish